Monday, February 25, 2008


the translation for the text that i have posted yesturday:

Knowing who we are is the first step. Recognizing these parts of self, glorious to the eyes of humans, yet violent or thirsty for power, is a major step of the reconciliation work.

These aspects of self manifest (= create a body, create substance) the energies and experiences that correspond to the first three chakras in their raw essence = pure shadow.

We cannot avoid them, chase them, nor judge them. They are a part of the shadow and light’s big game.
However, at this present time—2008—and in function to what the Planetary Consciousness requires, they are not valid. The state of nature and your societies has shown that the quality of life spawned by these three chakras distresses and clashes with you.

One must therefore make a choice.
The choice is made gently; by the progressive impregnation of the Divine light, by means of:
Your Soul and Monad,
The terrestrial conscience,
The repeated upsurge of the Planets and Sun.

It is therefore up to you to repair these aspects that are and bring upon you the fruits of the three first centers.
By giving them information and light,
By supplying the direct divine impact by means of meditation,
By CONSCIOUSLY living the three superior chakras,
You transform your shadow aspects and make them progressively evolve into expressions of the superior chakras.

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