Monday, March 3, 2008


an email that i received,
Chavez pousse le pays a la guerre
Ce matin je l’ai croise dans sa Homer bleue blindée prés de chez moi. Je l’ai senti si fortement, que j’en ai eu mal au 3eme chakra pendant 1 h.

Pour ceux qui parlent/comprennent l’Espagnol
Cela parle de Chavez, des violences qui arrivent, de la famine sur le Venezuela, et place Chavez comme l’Antéchrist, et d’un lien entre Hitler, l’Amérique du Sud, et le Venezuela.
De plus cela parle de la magie noire africaine réalisée au Venezuela : Yorumba, culte au morts, avec sacrifices (humains) etc.
Et a la fin cela indique que Cuba et le Venezuela sont aides et protégés par … l’Archange Michel (SMILE)

Montée en puissance de la confrontation Colombie Venezuela avec le support de l’Equateur.

well, it has been know that, after second world war, many of the supporters of Hitler left for Venezuela

and, it is obvious that black magic is still very present in south america
it is not even hidden, it is a part of life
but, what does the population think? are not the small people doing the same?
are they not relying on magic when they need it? to solve their small problems?

same thing for the drugs: if they were no comsummers, the governments would not be able to sell it to anyone.

as for the antichrist, Chavez is not the antichrist. Just a very low level individual, only concerned about himself and power.

many people have been called antichrist, as their actions are part of the big push of the darkness to crash the efforts of the Light and oppose it.

lots of thinking to do.

the workshop in Sweden was wonderful, lots of new people
many people also came back after working on themselves for one, two years...
the Light is also becoming stronger within the population
we, you must understand that your role is to stand for the Light, carry it, anchor it, BE it
in order to participate into ITS VICTORY.

With my love



WhiteDragon said...

YES definitely - every single day of my life I enforce Light into myself, my room, my home, my village, my country, my planet ... I'm anchoring Light and high vibrations in everything I see, hear, touch, taste, ... the "Light" show must go on! Let's sing Light, let's call Light, let's BE Light! and with all possible Love, WD

Emmanuelle said...


Qaund M. Chavez, à la vue du film transmis sur Ingrid Betancourt, a déclaré qu'elle avait le visage de quelqu'un qui avais été torturé, j'ai tout de suite su qu'il torturait lui-même, sinon, comment pourrais -t-il le voir?

Beaucoup de compassion en France pour ces otages.

Daniela said...

since a few time i work constant on my selflove.
one day after i pray i became the idea when i feel myself i imagine that i send ArchAngel Michael this feelings. this helps me to feed myself with love and no more life from the love from the ArchAngel.
i enjoy this work so much!!