Tuesday, March 11, 2008


en reponse a vos questions

http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/2008/03/05/colombia-the-unsettling-conflict-with-ecuador-and-venezuela/ march 11 08

About 100 people filled every seat to listen to Hellinger’s lecture. After his speech, one of the event organizers inquired about political connections between Iran, Venezuela and China. The speaker explained that as Iran and Venezuela are both are oil-rich members of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) they have very similar economies. He described a recent partnership in which Venezuela has been importing tractors from Iran and in turn Venezuela is providing new technology to Iran in the oil fields. Furthermore, he noted the relationship between China and Venezuela is a good one, but it could one day pose a threat to the U.S., because of market competition for petroleum. China is already beginning to invest in oil refineries in Venezuela.

And then, http://www.stwr.net/content/view/864/36/

President George W. Bush, already weakened at home by the soaring cost of oil, is finding that it's also eroding his ability to achieve his foreign-policy goals. "It's a geopolitical nightmare,'' says William Cohen, a former Republican senator from Maine and defense secretary under President Bill Clinton who is now chairman of the Cohen Group, a Washington-based consulting firm. Such nations as Iran, Russia and China ``don't see us as the colossus that can cause them any harm, either by our economy or by our prestige." Record-high energy prices are weakening Bush's prospects of assembling an international coalition to counter Iran's nuclear ambitions. They are diminishing his chances of influencing energy-rich nations such as Russia and isolating troublesome ones including Venezuela and Sudan. And they are straining U.S. economic and diplomatic ties with China, whose oil needs are skyrocketing. Prices show no signs of abating in the last two-and-a-half years of Bush's presidency, with oil futures hovering near $72 a barrel through the November 2008 presidential election. That's creating a windfall for oil-producing nations that may thwart Bush's goal of promoting democracy and free markets from Asia to the Middle East and halting the spread of nuclear arms. Bush acknowledged last week that high oil prices have decreased the U.S.'s power to sway events. "Some of the nations we rely on for oil have unstable governments or agendas that are hostile to the United States,'' he ....


Anonymous said...

Chers Archange et famille,
voilà un lien intéressant pour connaître la position de l'UE vis-à-vis des BIOCARBURANTS. Réaction pour retrouver une once d'epoir et de 'confiance' en l'Europe.
Bienà vous tous,

Anonymous said...

Et à propos de la dette du Tiers Monde, dont CADTM (organisation supranationale)demande l'abolition:

Anonymous said...

Pétition AVAAZ, pour la paix:

Dear friends,

Great news -- our video "Stop The Clash of Civilizations" is one of six films nominated for "Best Political Video" at the 2007 YouTube Awards. Dismantling the false clash between Islam and the West, this 2-minute clip shows how global people power can bridge cultures and change things for the better -- starting with a real peace process for the Middle East. The video has already been seen by milliions of people, and shown in hundreds of schools.

In the YouTube Awards, unlike the Oscars, the public decides which video wins -- but we only have 24 hours to cast our votes, so now's the time to act. If enough people vote for "Stop the Clash" in the next 24 hours, and we win, we can spread our message of hope like wildfire around the world. Click this link now to watch the video and cast your own vote:


Stop The Clash's message is that the people of the world don't buy, and don't want, the "clash of civilizations" that the extremists are dragging us into. Beyond Bush and bin Laden, the world desperately needs us to join together across divides if we are ever to solve the shared challenges of climate change, poverty, tyranny and conflict. The clash of civilizations lie hides the bigger picture -- where there's far more to unite than divide us.

The winner of the YouTube award will get a lot of media attention, so we could spread the "Stop the Clash" message to many millions more. It's up to us –- click here to watch the video and vote:


With hope,

Paul, Ricken, Galit, Esra'a, Ben, Pascal, Graziela and the whole Avaaz team

Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.